Hilary Janysek
Presentations and Workshops
Dr. Hilary Janysek is a sought-after clinician for workshops, masterclasses, and presentations. She is available for virtual or socially-distanced presentations for your private studio, band sectional, or university. Presentations have included:
"Entrepreneurs of the Flute World" - To be presented at Prairie View A&M University in April, 2021
"Fabulous Flute Fashions: Establishing your Daily Practice Habit" - Presented at Fredericksburg Middle School, 2021
"A World Of Color: Extended Techniques for the Flute" - Presented at Lamar University, 2021
"Music of the American Revolution" - Presented to the Austin Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 2021
"Flute Reboot: Get Your Groove Back" - Virtual Class for students preparing for returning to band in the fall, 2020
"Etude Blast" - Virtual Class for students wanting to audition for all-state band, 2020
"Beginner Flute Pedagogy" - Presented at the University of Texas at San Antonio and The Assisted Director Workshop, 2020
"Practicing Positively: Finding your Strengths in the Practice Room" - Presented at Texas State University and the Texas Flute Society, 2019
"Finding your Why: Renewing Motivation during Quarantine" - Presented at the Austin Flute Society Virtual Festival, 2020
"The Performer's Responsibility: Developing Creative Interpretations" - Lecture Recital Presented at Ball State University
Samples coming soon!
Music History
As the Assistant Professor of Music History at Texas Lutheran University, Dr. Janysek teaches two courses that give students the opportunity to listen, interpret, analyze, and respond musical styles and trends throughout history. She believes that ACTIVELY LISTENING is a learned skill and provides students with steps to develop their skills further while finding ways to connect with and understand the music on a deeper level. See some samples of such classes below!